Surrogacy—Busting Common Myths And Misconceptions

A man holding a baby

Surrogacy is becoming more and more popular around the U.S as celebrities break the norms by having children through this incredible method. However, some people still shy away from the concept of surrogacy due to certain myths and misconceptions surrounding the process.

Here’s the truth about gestational surrogates:

Myth #1: The baby has a biological connection to the surrogate mother

Many people mistakenly believe that a surrogate mother will share a biological connection with the child she carries for the intended parents. This is not true for gestational surrogacy—in this process, the intended mother’s egg is fertilized with the father’s sperm before it’s transferred into the surrogate mother’s womb through IVF. While the intended parents can choose to use the surrogate mother’s eggs as a donation, it’s not very common.

Myth #2: Surrogates are too expensive

Many celebrities have hired surrogates for their children for a variety of reasons. Kim Kardashian famously used a surrogate mother’s services to bring her third child into this world. However, celebrities using surrogates doesn’t mean it’s an exclusive service. You can find many surrogacy centers that are relatively affordable.

Myth #3: It isn’t safe to use a stranger as a surrogate

People often believe that it’s safer to get a surrogate mother who has a personal connection to the intended parents, such as a family friend, cousin, or sister. However, working with an appropriate surrogacy agency will help you connect with a responsible, trustworthy, and healthy surrogate mother who has been thoroughly screened to ensure that she is qualified for the job.

Surrogate mothers usually undergo an extensive process of application that consists of medical, legal, and psychological screenings to find the perfect intended parents. It’s rather common for surrogate mothers to develop a close bond with the intended parents that lasts long after the delivery.

Myth #4: The surrogate can take custody of the baby

Intended parents often worry about the legality of a surrogate mother attempting to gain custody of the baby that she carried. However, with proper contracts and legal work beforehand, your rights are going to be ensured.

A family sitting in bed

Check out our gestational surrogate requirements!

Not everyone can become a surrogate mother; there’s a long list of requirements that must be met so that a woman is deemed capable of becoming a potential gestational surrogate. At OC Women’s Surrogacy, we provide great financial compensation to all our surrogate mothers for their hard work and generosity.

You can also refer a potential surrogate to get some extra cash! Contact us to learn more about our programs.

Filed under: Blog, Surrogate Mother

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