4 Signs You’d Make A Great Surrogate

A baby’s foot

Surrogacy is an incredible way for women to feel more empowered in their bodies and abilities to give back to the world. If you’re thinking of becoming a gestational surrogate mother but still feel like you’re on the fence about it, these signs will help you figure out whether this is the right journey for you:

You’re already a mom

Surrogates need to know what it’s like to have a baby growing in their bodies for 9 months. There are a lot of sacrifices that are required from a surrogate mother throughout her journey, and a surrogate with children of their own is already aware of them. Most surrogacy agencies recognize the fact that women with children are much more likely to give the gift of life to another family.

You’re healthy

Surrogate mothers must lead healthy lifestyles with a BMI that’s below 30. If your medical history doesn’t include any mental illnesses, alcoholism, smoking, or different medical issues that might affect the unborn baby, you might be a good candidate for becoming a surrogate mother. As someone who’s been through a pregnancy before, it’s highly likely that you exercised regularly, ate well, stayed away from alcohol and taboo medications, and generally took good care of your health for the sake of the baby.

You’re the right age

Age is an important factor that you should consider when applying to become a surrogate mother. You need to be mature enough to consider the various factors associated with being a surrogate, yet not too old to safely carry a baby to term. Women usually have a higher risk of developing health issues while they’re pregnant at the age of 38 and above.

You’re financially stable

While surrogates do receive handsome financial compensation for their services, you’ll still have to pay for some of your expenses sometimes. Of course, you’ll be reimbursed quickly, but you must have some money on hand. It’s your responsibility to take care of yourself while adhering to the surrogacy guidelines.

A family at the beach

Take a look at our egg donor and surrogacy program

Are you ready to become a surrogate mother? OC Women’s Surrogacy is a surrogacy agency that provides top-notch services for connecting egg donors and surrogate mothers with intended parents. We can help you earn money through surrogacy by providing a generous financial compensation of $50,000.

Feel free to refer a potential surrogate if they fit our requirements! Contact us to learn more about our programs.


Filed under: Blog, Surrogate Mother

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